I just wanted to write a quick note about Matt's improvement in speech and comprehension department before I forget. I'm starting to wonder if he will start talking before he starts walking. Yeah, he's 14 months old and still not walking but you know what, I am not going to worry too much about it. I am doing whatever I can to help him take those very first steps but if Matt's not ready, I will just try to be patient. It's not a competition, you know! :) Anyway, that's not the point of this post - Like every parent thinks that their kids are the smartest, I know, but I can't help thinking he might be one of the smartest kids ever. Maybe it's what every kid at his age does, I don't know, I've only had one kid so far - but Matt understands so many things already. He understands sentences, not just words, so funny and strange. I guess the obnoxious repetition pays off at last.... Sean and I repeat certain sentences over and over again for Matt to remember. For example, we have been trying to get him to imitate animal sounds - such as snake's hiss, lion's grawl, wolf's owww, etc... And when we say "What does a snake (or lion or wolf) say?", he makes their sounds. He also started saying "popo" which means "kiss" in Korean not too long ago. His kisses are so cute - he usually has his mouth closed tight then lets the air out when his lips touch other people's, yeah, a little gross, but funny. Oh another thing, he can feed himself with a fork now. He grabs food with fork and takes it to his mouth and chew! Wow, that's a great accomplishment for such a little person, don't you think? He's not so much of a messy eater, either, so I am relieved. But I am sure that will change somday. Anyway, I didn't mean to brag about my baby boy but thought I'd write it down before I forget. I write these things so that I can look back later - blogging is so great. It's like a family journal.
Anyway, I wonder if he will start reading when he's 3 like I did. That would be pretty sweet. Although that would take a lot of effort to acheive that one, on my part. My mom was so patient with me - she always read books to me and I think that is why I wanted to read so badly when I was so young. I used to memorize children's books when I started reading and would recite them to my parents. They thought I was some kind of a genius... humm... what happened?? :)