Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cute little things

Seriously, you'd think I'd be bored staying at home with Matthew all day but that's not true. Matthew makes me laugh all day. Oh he makes me frustrated, too, yes. But he's hilarious and I thought I'd write down some of the things he does to keep me entertained.

First, whenerver we do Pilates, he tries to do all the moves. It is so funny. I really need to videotape it sometime. He does spinal roll down, bends knees for the chair pose, and does sit-ups too. ha ha It is really cute.

He loves Elmo. He calls him "Ma-mmo" And whenever Elmo says good-bye, Matt says "Dye, Ma-mmo" which means "Bye, Elmo". He also sings "Elmo's World" with Elmo and it is so cute. He loves to sing. He sings to Monk's theme song, too.

He loves doing "Ring around the rosie". Whenever we sing the song, he immediately stands up and grabs my hand. When we fall down, he rolls his eyes while they are closed, then sticks out his tongue as if he's dead or something. It's so funny. He does a lot of funny, cute things now. I don't even know where he got the tongue thing.

He says "gaga" when he wants milk, which is a little strange because he used to say "U-ka" for milk but all of sudden it's "gaga". Gaga? Where did he get that? I don't get it.

He says "Bless you" whenever someone sneezes, even when he sneezes. Oh and whenever someone coughs, he pats her/his back gently. I think he learned that from me because I do that when he coughs. It's fascinating how fast little ones learn from other people. That's why I need to be extra careful of what I do and say in front of him. Scary. :)


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