Sunday, June 27, 2010


It's been a while since I updated this blog... I feel so lazy! Here is a picture I took this morning with Matt. We were all ready to go to church, can you tell? A lot of things have been happening lately. There's a little unpleasant thing going on in the family but it's helped me think a lot about the gospel and the importance of my own family, my role as a mother and a wife, and my own spirituality as well. I am grateful to have a husband who is spiritually strong and stable.

We have discovered what a smart boy Matthew is. He has been playing with his Thomas laptop toy and one day, we realized that he knows most of the letters. He's been teaching himself the letters and surprised us by pointing out most of the letters accurately on the keyboard. When I ask him where the letter "Q" is, he will say "Q" and point the letter on the keyboard. It is crazy! Today, I wrote down a few letters on a piece of paper and asked him if he knew what those letters were and he will say the letters accurately. It's amazing. So I have a new goal to teach him how to read by the time he turns 3. I know it's not impossible because I learned how to read by the time I was 3 too. So we'll see.

Other than that, things are pretty much the same. We are living in a house and looking for a house to purchase. If nothing, we will probably at least get a rental house by next year. That would be wonderful. We now have a new dining table set, washer & dryer, and a fridge. Now we need to buy a few more furniture but at least we haven't used any credit cards or loans to buy our furniture. We haven't used a single credit card in a year. We have been paying off our debt and only have a little bit now. We expect to pay it all off in a few months. We'd be debt free!! That's the day I am looking forward to. :)

We've been trying to get pregnant but no luck as of yet. I know it will happen when it is the right time. I am anxious but I know I need to be patient...

Well, that's about it. Hopefully I will post more often... But this little update will do for now. :)


The Blandon's said...

You are looking beautiful.
The gospel is great and it's always good to hear when friends share a little testimony!
Good luck on getting pregnant. We have been trying too - for a long time now, but I know that God loves us and wants the best for us...

Lildonbro said...

Yea for getting out of debt! I have been paying off mine too and am so excited to see it going down! :)
Good luck on getting preggers!

Amy said...

Cute picture. I don't think I've even seen you since you got the bangs. Sad I didn't get to see you on Monday but hoping you got the books alright. From someone who has moved a few times WAIT to buy more furniture until you settle somewhere more permanently. And as far as reading, there are two great reading programs geared toward infants and toddlers. Try having Matt play games on (might be .com) or Your Baby Can Read. My friend's little 2 1/2 yr old can read from doing the later program. It's AMAZING!

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