Friday, October 10, 2008

General Authorities' Broadcast on Proposition 8

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The articles from Church News...

At the request of the Protect Marriage Coalition, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is making arrangements for them to call friends, family and fellow citizens in California to urge support of the effort to defend traditional marriage. The coalition has asked members of the many participating churches and organizations to contribute in whatever way they can to the effort to pass Proposition 8, including by phoning.

“It is a combination of two things,” said Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Church’s Presidencyof the Seventy. “We are looking at options to fulfill a request from the coalition to help with phone calls to encourage support of Proposition 8. We’re also responding to the many requests we have had from students and others who want to help. Making phone calls is something they can do.”
Elder Clayton said that no decision had yet been made by the coalition on whether to activate any phone volunteers outside of California.

Although many Church members other than Californians have expressed a desire to help, the out-of-state effort will stay focused on Californians for the time being. No calls have yet been made from outside of California other than a handful of calls to test the system.

In addition, in a satellite broadcast that took place tonight for Californian Church members, Elders M. Russell Ballard, Quentin L. Cook and L. Whitney Clayton addressed the Church’s doctrine of marriage and participation in the Protect Marriage Coalition.

Proposition 8, on which Californians will vote on 4 November, defines marriage in California as between a man and a woman.


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