Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just a thought..

I was just watching a news show on 9/11 and thought about the pride cycle in the Book of Mormon. When 9/11 happened 7 years ago, all Americans were united and prayed for the innocent people whose lives were sacrificed for the "sacred" mission of the secret combination in Afghanistan. When they reunited, America was stronger than ever. The world was moved by their sincere prayers and prayed with them. Now, 7 years have passed, America is falling apart again, the world is falling apart.

I don't mean to sound so negative and pessimistic, but people don't fear God anymore. The same people that prayed so sincerely for the sake of others now have forgotten how to pray. They believe that 9/11 have passed and something like that will never happen again because their government would never allow it. Strangely enough, during the tragic times like 9/11 back in 2001, people united in harmony, remembering that America was founded on the principles of Christianity, prayed together all night in tears. Now only 7 years have passed, people are putting God on trial, trying to destroy his doctrines and principles of morality.

I've heard others say that Satan has gotten so powerful these days but I think it's people that have gotten weak and wicked so it's easier for Satan to take over their minds. We, Mormons, are fortunate to know that we have a prophet in our day to guide us through righteous paths. Sean told me about the law that passed in Colorado how men may be allowed to enter women's rooms and locker rooms and there is simply nothing women can do about it because they can get sued. Sometimes I wonder if people are seeking their rights because they want those rights or if they want to sue others and get money off of them.

In California, they are voting on proposition 8 (the traditional definition of a family). If it does not pass, many churches won't be able to refuse to marry homosexual couples. I don't believe in homosexuality. All the awful things that are happening in the world are designed to destroy our families. Strong families build a strong community, later a strong nation. It is frightening to think that our children might grow up thinking that gay marriage or homosexuality is just a normal part of life and that they can choose either to become a homosexual or a heterosexual. Sean told me the other day about an article that he read on the newspaper. A teacher in a public elementary school in Messachussetts read her kids a story of a prince and another prince. Basically there was a prince who decided that he didn't like any princesses, so he marries another prince from a different country. They kiss in the end and live happily ever after. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT!! Our children will be exposed to this kind of teachers if we do nothing about it. I don't know what this world is coming into...


Anonymous said...

Ron Prentice Gets Rich Fighting Gay Marriage

Ron Prentice is CEO of the California Family Council and Chairman of, the committee behind Prop 8 (the folks working to ban gay marriage in California).

Ron is set to be be honored at the Values Voter Summit 2008 (September 12-14) with Focus on the Family Action's Family Champion Award.

Justin McLachlan has broken a major story in the Proposition 8 battle: California Family Council contributions have mostly been spent on the generous salaries that Ron pays himself and his staff.

So far, there’ve been about a dozen news and blog pieces that have appeared online referencing Justin’s research into Ron Prentice and his shady management of donor funds.

Folks volunteering for and making contributions to the “Yes on 8″ campaign should be aware that the operatives running the show have a track record of using contributions to generously reward themselves.

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