Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I did it!

I finally got a driver's license today. Well, it only took me a year to get it, ha ha! Well... seriously, I just put it off all the time but it was definitely time to do it. So I did it! Yay! I am going to start looking at cars now. I will probably get a used car that is a little cheaper. I can't get a beat up car just because I don't want to have a lot of problems with it, especially since I will be driving with my kid in it. So any suggestions?


Amy said...

Congrats! I almost had to take the written test for my license again when I moved back to California but I luckily got out of it. You should look at a car rental company that sells the cars after a year or so of renting it. They are a good deal that way and not as old that way, but still good bang for your buck (and newer are better gas mileage, too).

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